About Reiki
Reiki is an ancient Japanese hands on healing technique that is deeply relaxing and comforting. It is useful to treat conditions such as anxiety, depression or pain. It can also help induce a deep meditative state.
Reiki refreshes the entire system, providing a clearing and more blissful experience of the world around us. Reiki is enjoyed for many different reasons. Some people love to have Reiki simply because it is an exquisite experience. Words cannot fully convey this sacred modality, it has to be experienced.

Reiki Sessions
Reiki sessions include hands on healing techniques. The person lies on a massage table fully clothed. Hands are placed on and off the body. Relaxing sensations such as warmth and tingling are experienced. A deep relaxation is often attained.
1 session - $120 (1 hour)
Reiki Courses
Romy also offers three certified levels of courses to become a Reiki Practitioner or simply to go deeper in this modality. In the certified courses you will learn to give yourself and others Reiki. Reiki cannot be explained, it needs to be experienced.
Reiki 1 Course
In this level you will learn hands on healing. You will also receive Reiki attunements or Reijus that will open your energy to a deeper experience of Reiki. This is a 2 day course.
$400 ($350 for earlybird)
Reiki 2 Course
In this certified 3 day course you will learn the hidden teachings of Reiki. 3 powerful symbols and mantras are introduced to help access and experience deep dimensions of this modality. At the end of the course you will be able to do hands on healing on yourself and your family.
$600 ($550 for earlybird)
Reiki 3 Course (Shinpiden) – Practitioner and Teacher Course
This is a very deep course providing you with the ability to practice and teach Reiki. You will receive the final Reiki Attunement or Reiju. You will learn how to provide Reiki sessions and teach Reiki. You will learn the powerful art of giving Attunements or Reijus. Shinpiden allows you to become one with Reiki. As you merge with beautiful energy, your life is transformed. This is a 4 day course.
$1000 ($950 for earlybird)
*To be confirm, for dates and bookings please contact us.
All bookings can be done directly on the website or by contacting us on 04260 841 08.
Note: All classes are pre-booked. Cancellation requires 24 hours notice.